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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Live To Dance

one year ago today i was here...
this would be the dome at dodger's stadium. 
it was our first audition for live to dance.
we didn't know what to expect but then we ended up with 3 stars. 

a month and a half later we found out this....

 we had made it to the semi-finals of live to dance.
we were all so excited and ready to work our butts off.
the day after christmas break we drove to california. 
all 40 of us to begin our amazing adventure.
we danced in the live semi finals and got judges pick to go straight through to the finale.
we came home for a week and then headed back to cali for another two.

we danced in the finals and only ended up with two gold stars and one red... :(
for the next week before the finale night we practiced for this...

we ended up not winning the show but it's alright.
honestly this was the most amazing experience i've ever had in my life. 
everyday i learned something new. 
i met some aMaZiNg people along the way.

1 comment:

kelsobrooke said...

I was just thinking about this whole experience! Isn't it crazy how it has already been a year? We should relive it. LOVE YOU!